I liked the magicians, but Linwood's birthmark kept distracting me while old SamnDean were having their heart-to-hearts. I knew he didn't have that birthmark on Angel.
If they don't tell me what horrible thing Sam has to do to work the mojo, I'm going to scream. Because right now I'm assuming he has to eat babies to tone up the psychic-fu. TELL ME HE'S NOT EATING BABIES, SHOW!
Ruby is growing on me. She's kinda cute when she's all tiny and glowering at Sam. But if she's going to show up to exposition, I wish she'd do more with the actual explaining. BABIES!
That last scene with the boys and Barry was anvilicious, but I so want to see the payoff. I'm dying for another BUABS, but without the possession cop-out this time. Would Dean kill Sam because it's the right thing to do? Pfft. But I want to see him struggle with the decision.
I strongly agree with everyone calling for codas dealing with Dean's trip to see the Chief. Dean feels guilty; he wants to be punished. Help him ease his pain, fic writers.