Aug 02, 2012 23:50

First: Look at my tiny Avengers. LOOK AT THEM.

The picture came out all blurry. Not sure if camera or pinot grigio. These are from Marvel Grab Bagz. Or Grab Zagz. Fuck, something with a Z. You don't know which toy you're getting until you open the bag, so I'm still trying for a wittle Natasha.

Second: This time next week, I will be at Vividcon!! \o/ I didn't do a premiere this year. Apparently, I can either do a CVV vid or a premiere, but not both, and I did a CVV vid this year. But this will be the first year I'll actually be at Club Vivid when my vid premieres. Aaaand I'll probably be hanging out in the courtyard and miss it. *shrugs*

Third: Where are we watching True Blood???

Fourth: Here are the four vids from last year's VVC that I've watched the most. Like, at least 10 20 50 times.

Thistle and Weeds by
sisabet (Game of Thrones)

I get chills. Every damn time. I remember being kind of confused watching it in Premieres, wondering where she was going to go with it since she killed Drogo* in the beginning, but it totally worked.

*totally typed D'Argo the first time. Heh.

Feel It in My Bones by
greensilver (Vampire Diaries)

Just watched all of TVD this summer. This vid was 79% of the reason I did so.

Hook Shot by
kuwdora (multi)

Good lord that looks effortless. How in the? Jesus.

I Swear by
sweetestdrain, and
pipsqueaky (Smallville)

People will be talking about this vid 20 years from now, saying, "Yes, I was there that day. The day Clark gave birth to a kitten."

Someday I will be able to watch this without losing it when Ollie makes that WTF face at the unicorn.


This entry was originally posted at http://danegen.dreamwidth.org/106122.html.

vampire diaries, vidding, vid recs, true blood, vvc, game of thrones, vividcon, avengers

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