May 05, 2012 16:04

Just got back from THE MOVIE. OMG it is glorious. From the amount of laughter, I'd say our theater audience (matinee--mostly families) loved it. Yes, Muggles, this is Joss Whedon. Kneel before your new master.

I want Compromised!Clint/Loki fic. What.

Coulson is not dead. The cards were a lie, which suggests the rest of it was, too. After all, we didn't see the medics declare Coulson dead--we just had Fury say they did.

I, like everyone else, am totally surprised by how much I love Bruce here. I'm even more surprised because I've always thought Ruffalo was kind of blah, but I just adored him as Bruce. And I was very disappoint that in the pan down Stark Tower/new Avengers HQ, we didn't see Bruce geeking out in the R&D department. I hope post-movie Avengers fic has lots of Tony & Bruce being bros.

Joss was born to write for RDJ.

I don't ship Thor/Loki, but I think Joss does. Seriously, that was the snuggliest arguing I've ever seen.

I've never seen any of Chris Evans' movies on the big screen, and I've never been that impressed with his face, but damn. Either he's much prettier in this movie than he was in CA, or he just looks really fucking good when his eyelashes are the length of my hand.

Some favorite moments, with some likely highly-inaccurate quotes:

Steve breaking up the Tony/Thor fight.

"He's adopted."

Jonah is not a role model.

"Better clench up, Legolas."

"His first name is Agent."

Tired!Steve after rescuing those people. That lovely pan is going to be in ALL the vids.

The helicarrier makes Steve lose his bet.

Tony immediately tries to redesign the helicarrier's command deck.


"How does Fury even see that side?"

And oh god, oh god, Loki thunking his spear on Tony's arc reactor. I almost spit out my coffee just remembering that scene.

And okay, dammit, I vidded Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (ongoing animated series, which I highly recommend) for CVV, but I want to show you it now. Because stuff.

This entry was originally posted at http://danegen.dreamwidth.org/104364.html.

movies, avengers

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