VVC 2011 report

Aug 20, 2011 11:14

My second VVC! In which I did many things and hugged many people and watched many vids and drank EVERYTHING. I'm not going to try to name people from dinner and such, but if I had lunch/dinner with you or we hung out, know that I enjoyed the hell out of it.


Ran into
mresundance waiting for the hotel shuttle at the airport. Wigged him out until he recognized me. :)

Hotel lobby! Last year was my first VVC, and it took a day or so for me to adjust to online people being real people and to people actually wanting to meet me. But I quickly realized that VVC people are the friendliest, most delightful people in the world. Many people go out of their way to make newbies feel welcome. But this year, I was so ready to see everyone again and have hugs and talk more. I actually talked too much this year. Really, I lost my voice from the talking.

Hung out in the lobby, saw lots of people, met bradcpu for the second time ;), met rhoboat and jarrow's friend jspencer1986 (everyone adored him and wanted to keep him forever). Then there was much lounging and pouncing on other people as they arrived.

Then dinner, registration, glomping, and way2busymom and crazywritinfool were lovely and drove
kuwdora and me to Dominick's for party supplies and helped us carry stuff to
kuwdora's room.

Hung out in the courtyard where there was much wailing about the lack of


Ten Years of Vividcon! Awesome show.

Riot Grrls! Great selection of vids I’ve loved (Are You Gonna Be My Girl,
talitha78's Creator, bisclaveret's Blinding), and new-to-me (killabeez's Coming Up from Behind, bop_radar's Threnody), and brand new vids (millylicious's Angelina Jolie vid I Wanna Go,
kuwdora's amazing multifandom badass women vid Hook Shot)
Links to other vids here

lovelokest and I tracked down Blue Curacao for deejay’s awesome Mystique drinks. Rosemount liquor store FTW!

I missed the Constructed Reality vidshow but made it to the panel.
greensilver did a fabulous job creating categories useful for discussing ways in which vids use external source and providing examples for those. And some interesting points were brought up related to where one draws the line between, say, the constructed reality of a slash vid that focuses on a non-canonical relationship in a single source and the constructed reality of something like a crossover or fusion vid. However, I was a bit frustrated at some of the responses. And I’ll just leave that, except-suspension of disbelief, this is a thing to try for constructed reality vids.

Comics Vidding panel!

1. Shit don’t move. But that’s okay. That’s why we have Ken Burns effects.
2. I am intrigued. At some point, I may post asking people who know stuff about comics to show me where to find the things. Must. Find. Things. sisabet told me, but I’ve forgotten because of the drinking. Ooh, I think I wrote things down . . . somewhere. I did find this thing *cough*
talitha78 *cough*:

Also Premiering

Links to vids in title because I'm tired of coding. River Song via kiki_miserychic! Sucker Punch via Kitty! Merlin via Cappy! Charlie Jade via Maya Tawi! Oh Charlie Jade, how have I not finished watching you yet?

Dinner and pre-CVV drinking. Got to meet lolachrome and coffeejunkii!

Club Vivid! I've watched the DVD, so I've actually SEEN the vids now but will rec later. Probably. Bat family! Glitter and glow sticks! And stuff, lots of . . . stuff. Followed by water and Ibuprofen. And at some point, I ended up in the courtyard with Luminosity, where I asked her to tell me what she wanted from Supernatural season 7. That was awesome, but it doesn’t really matter what she’s talking about; I can sit, chin in hands, and listen to her talk about anything. Is that creepy? That’s probably creepy.


Ultimate Vidsong panel! (why do some songs get all the vids?)

Holding Out for a Hero: sincerity regarding the hero and the speaker’s love/admiration for him/her, speaker may be the vidder or a character within the vid

Evanescence song: I’ve blanked this out of my memory, apparently

Tik Tok: braver_creature explained how vids set to this song mirror Campbell’s hero’s journey. My brain may never recover. Also, need to rewatch Tik Tok vids and investigate this myself.

Heavy Metal!
Most badass vidshow ever! Great to see old favorites (Pump It!, Brick House, Radar, Unnatural Selection) and new-to-me (This Girl Is Taking Bets, Why Are You Here? - daww, McAvoy). And thanks to destina for showing Around the Bend!

Tears & Cheers: Big Emotion

MY EMOTIONS! Oh hey, that’s wee!Magneto in
absolutedestiny's vid. I hadn’t noticed that before.
Also, I’ve been avoiding
fan_eunice’s Dreams for two years, and then I ended up guarding the door in this show. So I told her beforehand that I wasn’t going to watch her vid, and I totally turned around to face the wall while it played. So the people sitting near me probably thought I was rude, but maybe not since they were all too busy SOBBING to notice me.

Aspects of Aspect Ratio!

Yay useful information! Links to jarrow and lolachrome's handouts here and here.

Totally Rad Vids!

Yay ’80s vids! Blanket rec--they are all, indeed, totally rad. And thanks to dualbunny and sisabet for showing my Heathers vid! Yeah, that was one I never expected to send to another con. :)

Premieres! Yay! Will rec stuff later? Part 1 and Part 2

XMFC party! Big kudos to
kuwdora for her mad planning and hostessing. Apologies to her roommates for the mess. deejay’s mutant power is mixing drinks. I popped downstairs after the movie, and when I came back up, kuwdora, mresundance, and some other people were in a puppy pile on the bed. Cutest thing ever.

Must rec
kuwdora's LORD KING FASSY vid Blood, Tears, and Gold. OMFG the BEAR! Have been watching this and I Swear on repeat. I want a catbaby/bear crossover vid.

XMFC after party in the mezzanine! Epic shit happened and then I went to bed around 3:30 am.

Woke up at 11:30, missed vid review. Eh. Hung out with people and had some food with other people.


I Swear broke the con. Most of us lept to our feet to give a standing ovation. The others probably couldn’t manage it because they were on the floor.


Enjoyed all of these. Loved Cappy’s Dream Awake,
cee_m’s Walk This Way, and sisabet’s Burning Bridges

Then stuff? aivilo_18 moved into my room. I’m a poor substitute for
seperis, with whom she was supposed to stay, but at least she didn’t have to sleep on someone’s couch. We had some cheesefries and went to the True Blood party in deejay’s room. obsessive24 brought Toblerones, further cementing her awesomeness. Mmm, Toblerones + Bailey’s + naked Eric Northman.

Bad Fic reading!

I wandered in and out of the bad fic readings--shit is terrifying. Hung out in the courtyard a lot.

Then more stuff and bed.


Breakfast at Mac's, threw stuff in suitcase, HUGS, shuttle full of fangirls and jarlsberg71.
kuwdora and I ate lunch at the airport Chili's and heard "I Swear" on the radio. Haunted by catbaby! (Investigate the #catbaby tag at twitter if you haven't already. We must stop Milly from killing catbaby!)

Then snuggling, plane, home, sleeeeeeeep.

*starts countdown until next August*

This entry was originally posted at http://danegen.dreamwidth.org/95493.html.

xmfc, fnl, spn, vid recs, true blood, catbaby gets a tag, movies, vvc, vividcon, merlin, sobriety was never an option

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