Yay, VVC! :D I'm...going to work hard not to hermit this year. *g* And the lure of two (!) new vids by you guys might be enough to cause me to poke my head in to that party.
Yay! We're watching the vids first, so you don't have to stick around too long if you don't want. And kuwdora says her vid is EPIC, so . . .
At the very least, I want to sit between you and Barkley again this year and listen to you argue. That was one of the highlight of last year's con for me. ;)
I don't remember what we were arguing about, but lo, the list of topics that Destina is WRONG about is lengthy, and I am sure we can find something this year. THREE MORE DAYS!!!!!! Can't wait to see you!
True Blood sounds like a plaaaan, though I was thinking of cooking up a Sherlock party with lolachrome and Sunday night looks like the only night that would happen. (I am on the XMFC party like woah . . .)
At the very least, I want to sit between you and Barkley again this year and listen to you argue. That was one of the highlight of last year's con for me. ;)
Thursday!! SQUEE!!!
Hmm, we'll figure something out. :D
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