Festivids reveals!

Feb 06, 2011 13:05

The festivids masterlist has been revised to include the vidders' names. Some of y'all are tricksy. I'm shocked at your sneakiness, festividders. Shocked.

So in my Dear Festividder letter, I asked for the Mia/Vincent dance scene from Pulp Fiction and got TWO incredible, mesmerizing, badass vids. Yay Festivids!!

sockkpuppett made this EPIC vid: Untitled. There's this low thrum that begins with Vincent on the road in the beginning, and it builds relentlessly to the "mojo rising." AHH, it's impossible not to shiver a bit when Butch slowly rises from that chair.

kiki_miserychic made this cheeky and addictive vid: Brand New Key. I adore how she connects Mia, Yolanda, Fabienne, and the other women. And yeah, the first, um, three times or so that I watched the vid, I squealed and clapped during the disco scene. :D :D :D

And I made two vids for kaydeefalls:

Ain't No Easy Way (Butch & Sundance). A Butch/Sundance/Etta OT3 vid? Best assignment ever.

Do You Want To (Eddie Izzard). I really didn't think I'd be able to do this, even though Eddie is joy, but I found the song at the last minute and figured I'd at least try.

Thanks so much to yhlee and giandujakiss for making Festivids happen!

This entry was originally posted at http://danegen.dreamwidth.org/84543.html.

festivids, vid

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