SPN Weekend at Bobby's

Oct 16, 2010 20:50

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this episode, being that it was so light on samndean and also brought us no closer to finding out what's going on with Sam. Because I've been kinda obsessing about that. I have students this semester who watch the show, and I've been sidling up to them while they're working, ever so casually, "Soooo, whatcha think about Sam this season?" And they're like, "Um, trying to write an essay . . . for, you know, you." Pfft.

Anyway, I've convinced myself that Sam is pretty much okay, that it's a molecular suntan situation like with Buffy. He's just in a bad mood incredibly jealous of Lisa and Ben. Somebody's writing that, right?

But, okay, last night's episode. Rufus!! I loved all the Rufus & Bobby grumping. And I love that Crowley's scotch reference paid off later in helping to identify his origins. I tried scotch for the first time last weekend--I've never been a big whiskey fan--amidst a big conversation about the various brands and qualities. Apparently cheap scotch tastes like bandaids smell? Sooo, yeah, I loved that Rufus knew all about Craig, especially since Bobby told Dean that the key to getting Rufus's cooperation was bringing him a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue in "Time Is on My Side." Continuity! On Supernatural!

I also loved the return of Sheriff Mills and how unfazed she was by Bobby having bodies strewn all over the place. I like her, so let's not kill her, okay Show?

Heh, wood chipper. I'm assuming that's an oblique Fargo reference. There was a Fargo reference in "Dead Men Wear Plaid" IIRC.

Like a lot of people, Dean's whinging about Bobby's selfishness didn't ring true for me, but then again, we haven't seen much Dean & Bobby interaction since Dean found out Bobby'd been holding out on him about Sam's return. Maybe he's still pissed about Bobby making that decision for him.

And oh god, Bobby and Crowley, so much to love. Crowley's impersonation of Bobby: "I'm surly and have a beard." Bobby's "Balls!" and Crowley's "Bollocks!" And really fandom, why is there no Crowley/Balthazar fic yet? I am disappoint.

And more continuity with Dean's fear of flying. That's one thing I never thought I'd see on the show--Sam and Dean going international. But I guess if a lamia and an okami can cross the pond, then so can Dean. Wonder if they tried to get Castiel to teleport them there first? Even more disturbing then wondering how in the hell they managed to get through security is imagining them having to forgo carrying weapons for the duration of the flight. Other than the fork, obvs.

I had things to say! That's so weird. But I'm shutting up now.

This entry was originally posted at http://danegen.dreamwidth.org/75601.html.


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