Apr 10, 2008 11:48
If my eyes hadn't been opened recently, I would never have believed that there were modern, pro-choice women out there with access to decent healthcare who weren't aware of their full reproductive rights.
If you happen to be one of them, focus here:
If you become pregnant, however you feel about your partner's involvement in your decision-making process, YOU and only YOU have the right to decide what choice you're going to make. It is illegal for your partner to force you into an abortion. You must sign a piece of paper that states that you were not being forced to go into the clinic to have the abortion. I'm saying this because while many people put a LOT of focus onto the right to have an abortion aspect of Pro-Choice, not a lot of people pay much attention to the fact that a woman has the right to KEEP her baby even if her partner doesn't want the baby, or to put it up for adoption.
I honestly feel that the pro-choice view is often skewed towards the issue of abortion and often forgets the women who were forced into against their will. There are many reasons to HAVE an abortion, and many reasons NOT to have an abortion, and all of them are unique to the woman, who must search herself to make that decision. Hopefully she has a partner who is willing to stand by her and support her in the decision, and hopefully he's worthy to have his input considered.