Well... finals are coming up this week... at least i have A's in all my classes. Haha there was actually a volleyball final but i took it last week already.. Crazy stuff. I actually got an A on it with barely reading the handout. Thanks Coach Luna! I think your super hard written tests helped me with that one... :)
Umm... so yeah I'm basically done with my classes for the semester except for the finals... aww *tear. Now I gotta look for a job... eee!! can anyone help me find a job?? Tell me if you can...
OoOo look!! a volleyball picture!!
. .carrie. .louvelle. .kina. .christina. .
After class.. haha we're all sweaty.. eww gross.
Anyways... i hope I can find a job soon... so i can play World of Warcraft! woo hoo!! I'm secretly hoping Dan, Teo, & Colin will agree to name their characters with mine... so we can be Eenie, Meenie, Miney, and Moe haha that'd be cooLness!! i'll be eenie! dan (cause it fits)can be meenie! teo's miney and colin (the oddball) is moe!! oOoOo but I don't wanna start playing right away.. still gotta study for finals. Booo... I just don't have motivation... :/ I should study now...
I don't wanna study.... its so boringgg........ >=[
How to make a kina
5 parts pride
3 parts humour
3 parts energy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Top it off with a sprinkle of lovability and enjoy!
Personality cocktailFrom