Apr 16, 2007 14:13
Mondays are by nature the worst day of the week...and even moreso when you have to work all weekend and then drag your ass out of bed Monday morning to go to class. I just worked my last Saturday/Sunday at CVS and I couldn't be happier. I had to work with my crazy manager that thinks I'm out to get him and takes everything I say the wrong way...so I was ready to snap by the end of my shift yesterday. I understand everyone has shit going on in their lives and some people have it worse than others, but its not an excuse to treat me like dirt as an employee. I didn't do anything to warrant that. And quite honestly, I don't make enough money to put up with that, or the rude customers or the shoplifters (I'm not going to jump over the service counter and chase after some dude who may or may not have a knife on him. Its just not worth it. I don't mean to bitch (even though I am), but I'm just going to be so much happier when I don't have to deal with this anymore...which is coming soon. However, in the mean time, I need the money.
I've decided I'm going to take a semester off before I start teaching certification. Partly because I've been going to college for the past four years straight and I want a mental break and partly because I need some time to save up some money. I'm so ridiculously broke right now, and I need to start paying off my credit card. If I keep going at the rate I am now I'll be surrounded by debt. Not fun.
I'm so excited to graduate, but its such an odd feeling. It doesn't feel like this is really happening, or that I'm really moving out of my apartment, or that I'm really going to be living at home again. But I can't wait to be in Harrisburg! I'm looking forward to spending some quality times with some quality peoples that I don't get to see all that often (and maybe some fun Philly trips here and there too...). I'm looking forward to not having to rely on public transportation and being able to drive somewhere when I want to. I'm looking forward to not having to eat like Oscar the Grouch (IN A FUCKIN TRASH CAN!) because I don't have money for grocery shopping (and mooching off of my parents..haha). More than anything, I'm looking forward to starting a new chapter (I know I sound the homo-gay) in my life. Even though I'm a little aprehensious, I love change.
My senioritis is going to make this week suck, but I think I still have a decent work ethic...atleast I hope so. I can't let myself do a poor job on papers...it drives me nuts to hand in what I think is garbage, so I work on things until I feel like theres no room for improvement. Atleast my GPA will be good!
Time to go read for night class- we're reading a comic-book from the '80's called Camelot 3000. Its about aliens coming and taking over London and the people call on King Arthur to restore order. Should be interesting...to say the least. Haha