Ganked from
dolorosa_12, this will mostly be with movies I've recently seen in cinema where the categories are too broad.
1. One movie that made you laugh: Dragon Wars; I've not laughed so hard and so long as when I endured that movie.
2. One movie that made you cry: Most recently, The Bucket List, which is not as sad or disappointing as most critics made it out to be. (I really liked it!)
3. One movie you loved when you were a child: Hook, because I've always loved all things Peter Pan.
4. One movie you’ve seen more than once: Iron Man, I really wish I had been more awake the first time I saw this film.
5. One movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it: Blades of Glory, because although I love ice skating, I didn't think I could handle it, but when it went on sale on DVD I'm so glad that I bought it!
6. One movie you didn't like: Eragon. What a waste of time and money.
7. One movie that scared you: Ring (the original Japanese) will always scare me.
8. One movie that bored you: X-Files: I Want to Believe -- the best thing in that movie was Mulder and Scully being IC while in bed, but while I always enjoyed MotW pieces, that's all this was and for going so long without seeing anything X-Files I had expected the producers to realise and seize the opportunities in the difference between an episode and a movie. It didn't step up for me and I had really hoped it would.
9. One movie that made you happy: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (anime).
10. One movie that made you miserable: Nightwatch, you either love it or you hate or it bores your to tears and I couldn't even finish it.
11. One movie you weren’t brave enough to see: The Seahorse one... I can't remember the name. I really wanted to like it, but it looked terrible.
12. One movie character you’ve fallen in love with: WALL-E!
13. The last movie you saw: Tropic Thunder. ("I'm a lead farmer, mutha******!")
14. The next movie you hope to see: Hellboy II: The Golden Army.
15. Now tag five people: Anyone who wants to meme, invite yourselves to it!