Dearest Jeremy:
Take a friggin' NAP ALREADY.
Love Mommy
That should make
pattisimmons feel a bit better. Every parent has sleep issues with their kids, and if they didn't with the first, they'll be cursed with a second child who sits up in his crib yapping for an hour after you put him down like he's hosting The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour up there or something.
Grrarr! He's too damn young to give up naps entirely. Riley quit just after her third birthday and Jeremy's not yet two-and-a-half. Yet this is the third time in less than two weeks that he's farted around in his crib rather than gone to sleep. Out of all the tests and trials of parenthood that I've experienced thus far, the diminishing-nap issue is the one that's most made me want to run away to Guam. I *live* for Quiet Afternoon Mommy Writing Time! And I know kids who are 5 & 6 years old who still take afternoon naps, but noooo, my own kids have to stay awake like strung-out meth junkies almost as soon as they leave the womb. :P