This is (obviously) a TARDIS. I painted it myself, and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out. I was asked to paint a TARDIS for the summer play that was put on at/for/by the school I was TA-ing at last year, and this was the result. I'd planned on nabbing it after the final performance, but it disappeared before I could get my hands on it. I was disappointed, but ho-hum. I am a growd-up after all ;-)
At the end of term we had a leavers' service at the church. I went along, as a member of staff, despite an almost allergic reaction to all things church-servicy. After some presentations to other staff members, the head started to talk about another staff member who'd been at the school for only a short time and was leaving to go back to uni to train to become a teacher. This, for my slower readers, was in reference to yours truly.
I got up and received a card signed by all the staff and an envelope containing (I'd later discover) a £15 HMV voucher, and was about to return to my seat when the head mentioned that there was one more item to present.
At this cue, M, a member of the class I had been working with for the majority of my time at the school, got up and went behind one of the pillars in the church. He came out from behind the pillar carrying a large, white piece of card. Turning it round he presented me with my TARDIS, on behalf of the school. There wasn't much to say at this point, except *BIGGRIN*.