25 (or 29) Days To Go!

Sep 24, 2008 23:21

I am going to put the two different numbers up from now on, since my original calculations put me as having a 10/19/08 due date and the midwives say the due date is 10/23/08.

It's been great having time off from work. I have slept the sleep of the righteous and have done some good stuff getting ready for the baby's arrival. I went to Long Dance and was greeted by smiles and hugs by people I'd never met before. I went shopping with my mom yesterday and she bought the final furniture-type stuff we needed. I feel the baby move each day and count the movements--she seems to have regular sleep times and awake times.

The swollen ankles aren't as bad anymore thanks to not having to sit at a desk every day.

I got my pregnancy yoga DVDs and did one of them today.

I am going to get more professional-type pics taken next week.

I plan to do the plaster cast of my belly as close to the end as possible. People tell me I look small for how far along I am, but the midwife I saw last week said it's just because I'm tall.

We took an Infant CPR class tonight and tomorrow we will take a Baby Basics class. I still need to interview another pediatrician. I also need to get the bag packed for the hospital.

I'm working on crafty stuff. I hung a whole bunch of cute framed Peter Rabbit prints in our room and they actually look pretty good next to the wallpaper. I'm in the middle of painting a wooden chest that my mom gave us for our anniversary. I'm going to make it all Peter Rabbit-themed as well.

I have been getting Restless Leg Syndrome at night, no matter if I eat dessert after dinner or not. I try to alleviate it by rolling over to the other side.

My hair is all thick and awesome now, and my hairdresser is cheering me on. He says I can bring the baby when I come for my next appointment.

I'm hoping that the baby comes on or around her due date and that everything goes well. I think good thoughts for all my pregnant friends out there. I hope you have wonderful pregnancies and joyful births! I will try to post weekly from now on, but sometimes I just get so caught up in living life that I forget to come online and do stuff.

Anyway...love, love, love...


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