Mother's Day Weekend

May 13, 2008 12:23

This was technically my first Mother's Day. It's fun to think that I'm someone's mother, even though I don't know this person growing inside me yet.

This weekend turned out to be very interesting and kind of scary because

I was looking forward to going to church with my mom on Sunday morning, but apparently she went to the earlier service. I was getting ready to get out of bed to get prepared for 9:30 service when I heard my dad yelling. I heard Joel say, "should I take you to the emergency room?" Apparently my dad said no, because when I came out to the living room Joel was watching TV. My dad was having issues in the bathroom, so I took a shower in the other bathroom. After I was done and just about finished getting dressed, Joel came in and said that we needed to take Dad to the emergency room. We got him in the car--he had to walk really slow because he was in pain, but he wanted to walk himself, not be carried--and drove down the street to SYV Hospital. My dad gave me his wallet and keys and asked me to keep his money safe. I asked if I should call Mom and he said not to bother her on Mother's Day. So Joel and I waited in the waiting room. Eventually Mom showed up. She sat with Dad in the emergency room for a while, and I heard him yelling again. Eventually Mom had to come sit with us in the waiting room because Mom was not doing much good being there and Dad yelled at her.

Finally, at around 11:30 or so, Dad was let out of the hospital. They had said they had wanted to admit him because he was anemic and needed a blood transfusion, plus other stuff was wrong with him. But he refused to stay, claiming that all they wanted was his money and that he would be fine. The nurse said to get him some magnesium citrate to help him have a bowel movement, since that was the problem.

We brought Dad home, and on the way home Dad agreed that we should make him some food. Dad has no teeth, so he can't eat solid food. He has been the one preparing all his food, and apparently has not been eating very nutritious food. Joel and I got some canned stew and pureed it, then heated it up for him, putting it on a tray. We told Dad about it and he said thanks. Then Mom, me, Joel, my sister Erica, and our friend Karen went to breakfast. On the way back to Mom's, Joel and I stopped and got the magnesium citrate.

We had to leave at 3 or so to get back for a game, so we packed up the car with a bunch of Erica's camping stuff, since we're all going camping together this weekend. We told Mom and Erica that Dad needed to drink water with the magnesium citrate, and we thought all was well.

Apparently not.

Mom just called me a few hours ago and said that Dad is in the hospital now.

First off, Dad didn't drink water with the magnesium citrate. After Mom told him to, it started working. Oh boy, did it work. And Dad was in pain all night and kept waking Mom and Erica up. Dad needed to go to the hospital again. With some intervention from some family friends, he was convinced that he needed to be admitted. He has heart arrhythmia, they drained about a gallon of fluid from his bladder, and he's just not in good shape at all. My brother Justin has decided to come down from Seattle, where he's currently working, to help bring Dad to some specialists.

My dad is a capable guy, but I think he doesn't ask for help when he needs it. I kept praying that he would ask for help. My mom said that he was not able to really tell her what was wrong with him, he was just being all dramatic about it. I can imagine that they yelled at each other as my mom tried to extract the information from him.

It is so very hard to hear that Dad is not doing well. I don't want to think of him in pain, although he has been in chronic pain for years now. I just hope he gets the help he needs and that he lets the doctors take care of him.


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