
Aug 15, 2006 14:10

I want to write something or create something that comes straight from my heart and that is trying so hard to come out I can't stop the deluge of emotion. That is what true art is to me...something someone had to do, not because they were being paid or had an assignment, but because the knot of tears or rage or swelling inspiration in their breast was too much and they had to set it free and the observer sees it or hears it and is transported.

That soul is what is missing from popular culture. Without the soul of art, there is nothing but fakeness and emptiness. Someone comes along and bears their soul, people pay them for it, others see the lucrativeness of the situation and come out with an imitation and we're stuck with the bullshit copies of something that started out as good and whole.

I want to create. I have so many outlets, but I find myself not taking the opportunities for outlet that have been handed to me over the years. I was offered painting, singing, dancing, guitar, piano, flute, drum, paper and pen. A few of these I have taken up and have gotten lost in and still do. But I want to create, not practice someone else's creation in order to be moving and doing.

Maybe I'm too lazy? Maybe I'm not inspired yet. Maybe it's not my time. I have the yearning at least, so that can carry me through until I'm truly there.
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