Numbness. That's all he could feel at that moment. There was blood everywhere on the ground. The night air was cold and he was stuck on the outskirts of Yashuna in the unforgiving forest. The so called bodyguards Salum Barows had hired to protect his son laid dead nearby. Their throats were slit. Euram could feel himself fading. Was this really how it was all going to end? Would he never get his revenge? Why was he even thinking about that? Not wanting to die and he desperately made an attempt to make a voice post in his device that laid half open a foot away from him. He lifted his body slightly but his breaths were struggled and made it difficult to rise. Managing to get up to his elbows, he attempted to speak.
"I.. I can't... bre.. h..p" The words came out boggled and he soon found himself choking on his own blood. He coughed and blood splattered on the device. He collapsed and his head came down on the barely opened screen closing it shut. Connection was lost and he doubted anyone would come. What a terrible way to go, he thought.