Obviously, I have too much time on my hands to actually be going through the game and collecting these. lol I'll be adding to this as I go through the game. I'm also doing one of these for Luserina, because I'd love to see someone pick her up. You can read it
Also note that in the game you can name the Prince whatever you want. I call him Freyjadour (nickname Frey) based off the novelization of Suikoden V.
WARNING: There are spoilers from the game in here. Only look at it if you don't mind spoilers or you never intend to play the game.
Maid: My poor little Princess! She’s too young! It’s too soon for her to be thinking about a husband. No doubt it’ll either be that Godwin lad or the Barows boy, but… Whichever of them it turns out to be, I don’t like it. Oh, my poor little girl!
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Lymsleia: Is that really a good thing? I mean, what if they’re all like Euram Barows?
Kyle: Don’t worry, Princess. He’s one of a kind, if you ask me.
Sialeeds: So, who’s the man to beat?
Lyon: Probably either Gizel or Euram. They can both afford really strong champions…
Townsman: Is it true?! Is that idiot son of Lord Barows really the favorite to win the Sacred Games? Darn it! We can’t have our Princess marry some loser like him! O-Okay, then! Well, if that’s the case, I’ll have to enter the Sacred Games myself! I’m not gonna let that jerk push his way into the royal family!
Townswoman: The son of the Godwin family is infinitely better than that ridiculous Barows boy!
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Lyon: The one representing Euram seems really strong. I think he has a good chance of winning the competition.
Euram: Hello, brother! I just wanted to let you know that you needn’t fret in the slightest about Gizel. There’s no way he could triumph over the strength, valor, and nobility of a Barows! Or a Barows’ well-paid champion.
Freyjadour: Your courage is stunning...
Euram: Oh, you think so too? How kind of you to say! I am truly blessed to have a brother with such impeccable manners. I’ll be the husband of Her Loveliness’ dreams, and the most commendable of brothers! You’ll see!
Townsman: Let’s face it, Gizel could beat the hell out of that loser from Barows family. Without breaking a sweat, even!
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Sialeeds: It’ll be impossible for Euram to find a representative as good as Zegai at this point. He’ll probably have to withdraw. And if he does…the one with the best chance of winning the tournament is…Gizel….
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Moderate Noble: Euram is out of the running! I can’t believe it!
Georg: (referring to if Nikea was a man and married the Princess) I can’t imagine a more incompetent Commander of the Queen’s Knights. Hmm… Oh, on second thought, she’d definitely be better than Euram!
Noble: So Barows is out. That’s quite a surprise. No doubt the Godwins are rather pleased.
Townsman: Good thing that Barows guy’s out of the running. That guy’s a waste of space, but imagine if he won somehow! The poor Princess! And poor you, too!
Townsman: That Barows loser didn’t even make it to the championship. He’s got nothing on our man Gizel!
Townswoman: The Sacred Games were a bit of a mess, weren’t they? But I think it’s just as well the Barows boy dropped out.
Townsman: Euram’s champion got disqualified, and then that great swordsman got sick right before his match against Childerich… It’s all a bit TOO convenient for the Godwins, if you ask me! There’s gotta be some crazy conspiracy going on!
Townswoman: You know, Euram Barows isn’t a bad-looking guy himself. I think it’s safe to say he… takes after his mother.
Euram: Ah, Your Highness the Prince and Lady Sialeeds! Words can’t express how happy I am to see you alive! I’ve been so worried since I heard there was a revolt at the Sun Palace! Horribly worried! Terribly, desperately worried! But I knew you’d be all right. Noble, courageous, valiant fighters like you bested by the Godwins? Unthinkable!
Boz: Um…Euram?
Euram: Oh, of course! Why don’t you come in? Father is so very eager to see you. Quickly, now! No time to dally!
Lyon: Hey! Wait a minute!
Georg: *sigh* Hasn’t changed a bit.
Sialeeds: Tell me about it.
Boz: Like father, like son.
Euram: Oh, Your Highness! I’ve been terribly, desperately worried about the Princess! …Oh, and you, too. Had I known this was to happen, I would have taken steps to ENSURE my glorious victory at the Sacred Games! What kind of steps? Uh… Oh, never you mind about that!
Euram: My, my… That delicate, delectable, DREAM of a Princess! Oh, I do hope she’s okay!
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Euram: They had better not violate that unplucked flower in ANY way! Or I shall have their heads!
Girl: Whenever Euram see me, he goes on about how cute I am and gives me loads of candy and dolls as ‘gifts.’ I don’t mind, really. I mean, I love all the attention! But it does feel a bit…creepy.
Euram: Oh, Your Highness! Here, let me show you my masterpiece! My opus! My monument! To think, they’ve locked up the poor, innocent, alluring Princess, just to sully her good name! Those contemptible Godwins are going to pay a price most grievous for laying their hands upon her!!!
Euram: We simply must get the Princess back, Your Highness! I shan’t rest until she’s safely in my gentlemanly arms!
Salum: Oh, it’s an absolutely morbid story, but did I ever tell you I had another dear son, before Euram? He…lost his life during that dark and terrible battle over the succession of the throne. Killed by the bloodstained hands of the abominable Nether Gate Assassins! Godwin’s wife was murdered by the same group, and yet he still uses those inhuman beasts! His thirst for power knows no boundaries! It bears no sense of common decency! So! You no doubt see that I, Salum Barows, know all-too-well the horrors of which Nether Gate is capable. I’m doubling the guard around the manor, but I fear that even that may not be enough…
Townswoman: I’ve always wondered how Lord Barows’ children ended up as complete opposites of each other. Euram’s always so… well, flamboyant, if you catch my drift. But Luserina’s as serious as they come. …We’d be in for a tough time if someone like Luserina was in charge.
Townswoman: Euram may be…eccentric, but he’s not a bad person. If he could just focus, he wouldn’t be a bad leader.
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Euram: I’m counting on you, Jidan Guisu!
Jidan: Understood! After crushing the Godwin soldiers, we simply declare we’re the Armes Southern Mountain Corps, right?
Euram: That’s right. If you do that, Dad’s plan will come to fruition!
Jidan: Hmph! Don’t forget who made that plan possible.
Euram: Oh, we won’t. You can trust the Barows family.
Armes Soldier: General Guisu!
Jidan: What is it now?! And remember to keep it down! We can’t betray our presence!
Armes Soldier: Sir! Both the Falenan Prince’s army and the Godwin Army are heading this way at full speed!
Jidan: What?! Euram! What the hell’s the meaning of this?! You didn’t tell anyone we were here, did you?!
Euram: N-No, no, no, no, no, no! I-I don’t know what’s going on! This wasn’t in Dad’s plan! …I-I know, I know! I’ll go ask Dad, okay? Wait one second! I’ll be back before you know it!
Jidan: Wait, you! Running away, eh?!
Armes Soldier: General Guisu! The enemy is right in front of us!!!
Jidan: Dammit! We don’t have any room to maneuver here! …But we’ve got no choice. All troops, ride forward! Prepare to charge!
Jidan: Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! They’ve made me look like a damn fool!!! …Euram! You’ll pay for this!!! We have no choice! Retreat! Retreat!!!
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Euram: !!!
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Girl: I just saw Euram running off towards his mansion. He looked really messed up. It was so funny!