Aug 10, 2005 20:29
Yeah sooo car accidents are cool
...espically when your truck it totaled
It wasn't that bad
My face hit the air bag really hard
I had a bloody/swollen lip
I have a huge bruise on my arm
a few small burns on my chest
a burn on my face
a bruise on my chin
other than that I am fine
Oh yeah and my throat is still burning from the smoke from the air bag
Wicked funny
im a chick
i no nothing about cars
I thought my truck was going to explode
Me and the other guy were both eating mcdonalds
He was 25 and he was in the Army and he was really nice
My truck isn't too badly dammaged
I should have it back in a week
They might say its totaled b/c the air bag came out
And it might cost more to fix it than what my truck is worth
Wicked bummer
No dammage to the other vehicle
...which happened to be an expidition
sweet deal
Oh yeah and it was my fault
Bad timing I suck
oh well