Today… is my 8188th This hour… is my 196,503rd 1.2 million seconds have tic-tocced away since I started my journey of unfulfilled potential
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I’ve come to realise the whole “mind controls your body, your body reflects your state of mind” idea in the last few months or so. But if you’re looking for a debate about it, I’m sure Louise Hay (author of various self-help/ positive guides to life - first one to laugh gets a slap round the face with a wet trout) would give you a run for your money, and probably have a few things to say about caffeine and cigarette addiction while you’re there. And also whether you have an obsession about Parisian café culture. She’s a wise old lady but, I swear, sometimes she doesn’t know where to stop…
But anyway, back to the point. It’s a scary thought that, most of the time, my body’s got more of a fucking clue what’s going on in my head that I ever do. Like I’ll catch my hand shaking with fear (and no - it’s not the DTs), or I’ll start crying when I think I’m really happy. It just makes me wonder whether I’ll ever really know myself, know what I’m feeling on a subconscious level - or whether I’ll even want to. Maybe I’m better off in a delusion of superficiality and surface-level thoughts.
Oh, and regarding relativity - I’m holding out on giving an opinion until I finally get round to finishing “a brief history of everything”. I’ll let you know where I stand on Einstein sometime in April…
But anyway, back to the point. It’s a scary thought that, most of the time, my body’s got more of a fucking clue what’s going on in my head that I ever do. Like I’ll catch my hand shaking with fear (and no - it’s not the DTs), or I’ll start crying when I think I’m really happy. It just makes me wonder whether I’ll ever really know myself, know what I’m feeling on a subconscious level - or whether I’ll even want to. Maybe I’m better off in a delusion of superficiality and surface-level thoughts.
Oh, and regarding relativity - I’m holding out on giving an opinion until I finally get round to finishing “a brief history of everything”. I’ll let you know where I stand on Einstein sometime in April…
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