Did anyone watch If… Drugs were legal on BBC2 last night?
They were basically arguing that the current system of prohibition has failed and that legalisation is the only way to tackle drugs related crime and to begin to educate the nation of the effects of drugs.
The one sticking point in all of the pro-legalisation arguments was that the number of people using recreational drugs would likely rise. But this was constantly countered by the fact that a regulated drugs market would be safer for (this admittedly higher number of) consumers. I think that the pro-legalisation arguments were far smarter than those against it, but I was surprised that no-one looked to the situation with alcohol for added support.
Alcohol usage figures are massive and the costs on the health service/police force are large, but no-one is calling for alcohol to be criminalised! If it were, the costs of policing, societal effects and huge potential black market would be far worse! However, there was a time when alcohol was prohibited. A time before our nation became enlightened to the fact that people will drink and it’s safer as a regulated market. A time that seems very similar to our situation. An estimated 4 million drug users, all having to act outside the law, all endangering themselves for a lifestyle choice.
Drugs are obviously more dangerous than alcohol… but doesn’t that make it more important for the government to take back control of the situation from the crime lords? Crime lords who add a 2000 to 3000% profit margin on drugs! Regulators would apparently enforce lower prices, keeping margins at around 200%. Aside from my personal excitement at the thought of drugs being easier to get hold of and at one tenth of the price, the desired effect of this would be that lower prices mean more affordable habits. More affordable habits do not require property crime to feed them
Sure, if drugs were legal then more people would take them, but doesn’t that show that drugs are something that a large proportion of society are interested in, but don’t currently have the freedom to choose. And if taking drugs is bad, but we all want to do it, doesn’t that show a flaw in society that goes far beyond the criminal justice system?
If you’re at all interested and you’ve got a big enough pipe I’d definitely recommend downloading the Newsnight debate
here. If only to see ex police drug’s Czars defending their failed program of prohibition as if it’s a successful operation.