Week is to "law school week" as year is to "dog year."

Feb 20, 2011 22:40

Now I remember why I couldn't keep a consistent journal during semesters. @A@;

Right now I'm in the middle of an ILR miasma: our articles were due the 16th [44 FREAKING PAGES], our source collection on the 19th [nothing like hunting down microfiche in Sweden!], and our editorial applications tonight [N&C/article editor or bust]. I'm burnt outtttt. Plus as soon as I turned in my piece, the law firm hauled me back in to work on an opening brief due next week. And it's the SAME DAMN CASE I worked on this summer. I'd give anything for a fresh fact pattern. But at least this is the last pleading on the docket (reversing the award of attorney's fees), and I've written most of it already. Good thing too. I get to start studying for the MPRE next week.




Oh, still trying to figure out what I want to do over the summer, too. I was planning on chasing a transactional job, but still have a lot I can do at my paid litigation gig going forward (and I know the founding partner wants to put me on more cases), so... hm. Maybe split my time between two jobs? Or just stick with the current one and get my pro bono hours out of the way at the same time? [I need 40 to graduate.] Or take a summer class? TOO MANY CHOICES FFFFFFFFFFFF. I should probably just wait and see if I get any good leads at the Entertainment Law Fair at Southwestern next weekend. And send a Facebook message to the lawyer I know at Square-Enix. 8v


I'd have more to write about if I didn't have to constantly throw all sociability to the wayside. I was tentatively supposed to hang out with a friend and his ex [don't ask, I don't know how that works either] since they're both in town, but I had shit to do at the law review office, so I decided if they didn't call me, I wasn't technically standing them up. Hooray for flakey friends! Really, the girl just wanted to trade music with me. We can do that anytime.

Oh! Speaking of music, I've been getting a massive influx of vinyl in the mail lately (largely the result of various pre-orders finally shipping). My double order of Anchor & Braille and Copeland LPs finally came in, plus my copy of Say Anything's S/T and City & Colour's last album. This makes me feel better about the fact that I can't afford any of the amazing stuff Overdue Collection Agency is auctioning off to press Gatsbys American Dream's first two albums. Aughhhh that autographed IKSOSE:3 LP is so tempting. ;_; But there's something incongruous about buying music above market price when you're supposed to be a starving grad student.

It's funny how I used to scoff at people who obsessed over the tactile advantages of owning CDs, and now I'm all about collecting giant discs of wax. I just argue that vinyl is cooler to look at on a shelf. Plus it has audible advantages to CDs/MP3s [basic science: analog > digital, especially the warm tones], so if I'm going to buy music to support the artist, it might as well be something I can't pirate, and if it's gonna be physical, it might as well be something I can't buy 100 blanks of on a spindle.

And now I wanna listen to some.

Hello, Gaslight Anthem~ ^w^

(Oh, and here's that meme I did on vaimeni's journal. LOOKS LIKE SHE BEAT THE ODDS.)

♏ Leave a comment telling me your favorite color.
♏ I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
♏ You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
♏ You'll include this explanation.
♏ You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.

Not reposting my answers because I am that lazy. /snerk

meme, law firm, vinyl, law review, lawlerskates, law school

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