
Sep 10, 2009 15:28

So many great quotes in this episode, Kurt and Sue had me cracking up, but the winner was Emma about Rachel having no gag reflex. I just about died, I was not expecting that! Kurt's "One day you will all work for me" was awesome, and true. The way he said it, with that look on his face, I loved it!

Terri is such a bitch, I can't even put into words my intense dislike for her. I can't believe she wasn't pregnant. He put with all this crap from you, even gets a janitor job for half salary, all for nothing! Lying to him like that is not going to help you. When he finds out you were lying, he is not going to be happy with you! That entire house thing, I really wanted to hit her, there's no way they can afford that. He is way too nice  to her, he deserves so much better! OK trying to calm down now...

OK I absolutely hate Kanye West songs, but they made me love this, I actually rewound it a couple times! It looked really fake, which bugged me a little. I know they're lip syncing, but you could really tell during this song. Will's adorkable dancing more than made up for that though! I just smiled and laughed the whole time, he was so cute! I loved it when he tried to help Finn's dancing a little lol.

I love Sue so much. She is so horrible to these Glee kids, but I can't help it, she makes me laugh a lot! "Lady Justice wept today."

I loved the celibacy scene. The flashback with Finn hitting someone with his car, lol so funny! I loved Rachel's little speech. It's true, celibacy doesn't help at all, I always get a little annoyed with people always treating like it's this wholesome great thing. No, it doesn't help at all!

I feel bad for Emma, she likes Will so much, they would make such a cute couple. Too bad he's married. I'm not sure how I feel about the Ken/Emma thing. I thought it was cute he asked her to something he obviously doesn't care about, but knew she would. But when he said he's the best she can get that annoyed me. I'm willing to put p with them being a couple for a little while, since he is trying without being a complete ass.

Oh god, that Push It, or whatever the song is called, was horrible but funny. There are no words to describe that.

The Finn/Rachel scene, I was smiling through the whole scene, it was so cute! He was complimenting her and just being a complete sweetheart. Then the kiss scene happened...once again I completely cracked up, I did feel bad for Rachel but Finn's reaction just... I couldn't stop laughing!! Of course now that Quinn's joined Glee it won't be the same. Her reason for joining was such BS, ugh!

Not a fan of Rhianna, but holy crap, Rachel sounded amazing, and I wanted to give her the biggest hug, she needs one.

Well it turns out I didn't need to take the writing test after all, but I scheduled my drive test, it's next Friday. On Sunday my brother's going to take me where he had to drive and practice for a little bit.

Only 3 1/2 hours until Supernatural starts!! :D Watching Big Brother is going to be annoying, I'll be checking the time every 5 minutes lol.

edit: I heard about the #luciferiscoming thing on Twitter. I love you guys, that is so amazing. The reactions of people who didn't know what was going on was hysterical! You guys rock, seiously! <3

episode reaction, driving, glee, supernatural

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