Feb 15, 2005 19:05
No matter how good everything is going for me, no matter how happy I am, my mom and my stepdad seem to know just what to do to and say to really get to me.
I seriously hate my parents ( not in a 'guh I hate my parents, they never let me do anything' way. In a ' I cant even stand to be with them more than 5 minutes'way), they do a lot for me, but our bad times well exceed the good.
Nothing ever changes
- Andrea I dont think you can go anywhere on weekdays anymore, because well, I just dont think you should.
- Andrea your stepdad and I have been talking, we dont think you should go to presentation, its too much like a date
- No I dont think you can go out tonight, I think you are lying about where you are going
- No you cant work out at cornerstone, there are too many people there.
UHGGG !!!!!!!!
Fuck you.