Title: Headlights & Highways
Fandom: Warehouse 13
Prompt: She’s been dreaming and not sleeping, on a road not meant for traveling. (Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind ) from
scifiland 3 sentence challenge
Character/Pairing: Myka
Rating: G
Word Count: 266
Summary: Set post-season 3 finale.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: This one's kinda angsty. And I also don't own anything.
It had been one month to the day. Four short weeks since she left the Warehouse, since she turned her back on the life she had known and the family she had come to love.
Instead of going back to her parent’s and helping out at Bering & Son’s Bookstore, Myka drove from town to town passing the time with sights of the endless highway. Changing places, running it didn’t help with loss she felt in her heart.
It was all her fault that everything happened the way it did with Helena’s betrayal. Every night she replays the endless stream of what ifs to no avail. She’s been dreaming and not sleeping, on a road not meant for traveling.
She can’t help but wonder how the rest of them have been. Was Pete still at the Warehouse despite her absence? How were Claudia and Artie doing dealing with Pete alone? Had she already been replaced? The endless stream of questions remained unanswered and that was a good thing. If she knew how everything really was with them and it wasn’t good Myka wasn’t sure she could keep her distance and not try and help even if from the shadows.
Myka longs to go back to the way things were before. It would be hard to move on from where she was now, but she was strong and the only thing to do was to keep pushing forward. Looking off to the distance beyond the neon lights Myka looked at all the stars that were out and wished on every one to find some sort of closure.