Lets recap on the weekend... Friday night was aamzing. Emmy came over and we went to the movies along with Gabe who decided to come with us extraaa last minute! It was way to much fun. We saw "The Lords Of Dogtown" Which; looked amazing but actually sucked so we left 1/2-way during it. Randon phones calls to everyone in our cells and it was just fun as all hell. <33
Came home that night and talked to Johny for a lil bit... crazy stuff was going on but its all good; I love him so! <3; After talking to Johny; Gabe called and I ended up falling asleep on the phone with him.. woke up yesturday morning at like 5am and saw that he was still on the phone..
Anyways; I had to work yesturday even though it was a bella day out and I was mad pissed. Work was mad boring.. Edwin left early and Kyle was in back all day.
Today.. I worked 12-6 (another nice day) and got mad at Gabe cuz there moving him to work in the back of the store at the connection center.. so he wont be up front with me anymore... wtf! Are you kidding me? O yea and this new gurl that got hired told me straight out today that she was a lesbian and she thought I was hot. "The offers always on the table if you change your mind".... she said that after I told her I had more of a thing for puerto rican guys.... um........ ahahaha
ANYWAYS! It was my mommas bday today and all she cared about was getting that phone call from Jonathan which she missed cuz she hadnt been around when he had called me earlier... so she ended up calling him instead... Wow. "Bill; forget you; I only wanted to get a happy birthday from John anyways" Just. Wow.