People say Im boring, thats ok.. I know Im not THAT boring!!!

Jun 04, 2004 15:59

YESTERDY: Really EXCITING! :P I came home from work and played with my cousin. Amy called, of course, around 5:05 pm. (I get off work at 5, she ALWAYS gives me at least 5 minutes before calling) I called Chris. He said his mom was on my side of town, and that she was willing to pick me up so that I could go see him. I said ok, but I had to ask my gramma if she was willing to come get me later in the night. She said ok too! (That was suprising) When I got to Chris's house, he was playing some Playstation 2 game. It was racing, my FAVORITE! We didnt do anything but play the stupid racing game. It was fun though. I have never gone over there and just played a game for 5 hours. We were always doing something else. (If you know what I mean) To be honest though, it wasnt like I was hanging out with my boyfriend, it was like I was just hanging out with a friend. Anyway, We ate a burrito for dinner and went on again playing our game. (Just to let all of you know, I have gained 5 pounds since dating this kid. Only because he makes me eat! :P) My gramma said that she would be at Chris's house around 10:30 pm to pick me up. I kind of got tired of playing the stupid racing game so I decided to get on the computer. To my suprise, my FRIEND was on! YES! We talked to each other for a while, then I made fun of him for not calling me. He was all "you could have called me but, NO!" Its true, Im sorry. I told him I would call when I got home. I didnt want to miss my gramma, so I waited outside with Chris and his cousin Zach. We played with matches and tried to catch a cockroach on fire. It was cool. But then it got hot and it smelled bad. I didnt get home until 11:30 pm.. Sorry for calling so late. We talked for a while. About me, him, then about me again. :D I talk about nothing he says, WHATEVER !!! I called Chris abruond 1:30 am. Sorry that one was late too.. I was tired though so I told him goodnight and went to bed.

TODAY: I woke up about 9:30 am. Of course Amy had already called my house by this time. I didnt talk to her until about 10:30 am though. I was playing with the baby and decided to start my laundry. I didnt have to work until 2:00 pm, so I had plenty of time. I decided to call my dad and see how he was. I heard he was sick and I wanted to make sure he was ok. I talked to my sisters, but dad wasnt home. I called Chris about 11:00 am. WAKE UP CALL !!! My aunt (the one no one likes) came over today. She wanted to sell my cousins play house and keep the money to help her move to Reno.. We said HELL NO! I called Chris about 1:30, AFTER I was done getting ready, and we talked for a bit. Then I had to head to work.

Im here at work now, I dont have anything to do, so I was updating my journal.. I love you Baby!!!

Kristin lynn...
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