(no subject)

Oct 03, 2011 23:42

I started this one business that grew human hearts in filthy, festering greenhouses.

It is comforting to remember that you can take yourself anywhere and still be you-only and not anyone’s bitch and just ALIVE.

So, Mathias Svalina has this beautiful little poetry book called I Am A Very Productive Entrepreneur. I bought it from him last night. The above is a poem from it. The Big Hunt has a great poetry reading series.

I feel like I live INSIDE of a standardized test lately, and people have to search for my answers by using complex and oft-illogical methodologies and sometimes I am thrown out and sometimes I am counted. And sometimes I let people retake me but I usually average the two scores. (This is my way of subconsciously addressing my experience with the LSAT but glazing right over how heinous it was--we had a two and a half hour wait in the hallways while the proctor ASSIGNED OUR ROOMS so much for doing things in advance!)

Things I am learning at work today: There are whole countries in Africa that only one or two American companies have bothered sending cartographers to, and even those people don’t care about Burkina Faso.

Lately has been… a little strange. I had 15 people in my apartment for the first time yesterday-that was interesting! My alternative winter break group to Guatemala are absolutely fantastic, and we are all going to be kindred spirits, just you see. Tonight I helped to host an Ambassador from Iraq and we talked about reconstructing things and I wore something pretty-but-conventional.

My harmonica is great.

The photography workshop that I took yesterday at University of Maryland was a lot more helpful than I thought it would be, even though I am a little embarrassed to say that out loud (since my veins are supposed to flow with the blood of a Grecian muse or something) but I understand a hell of a lot more about ISO settings.

We found that the correct ratio of filth to clean water is crucial to the production of a productive heart.

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