Aug 30, 2005 16:05
my last year of college (undergrad anyway) has begun. i always used to get really freaked out by people in their 8th year of undergrad because i worried i would somehow get sucked into this vortex of college and kalamazoo and never find my way out. how ironic that as i'm entering my last eight months here, i suddenly realize kalamazoo is pretty great and being a student is the nicest occupation ever.
my schedule is cake (vegan cake) this semester. what a novel idea to actually give performance majors free time so they can practice! and maybe i won't get sick 9302985 times this semester either.
exciting things are happening thanks to d.i.y. kalamazoo!, i love my new place, my sister katie is so happy being a mom and wife (and she's really good at both jobs), my sister laura has turned into little miss chicago and she's really cute and she has an article in a forth-coming issue of punk planet!, my brother brian loves rubbing it in that he is done with school for life, and we are going to start bowling together every week, my dad has gotten a lot healthier, my mom has turned into a social butterfly, i love kory and i think he is just right for me, my plants are growing like crazy in the new place, i've been riding bikes and eating pancakes on the front stoop and making arts and crafts with friends, and i had a really amazing summer. everything is really really good right now. it feels like the end of a movie or something. everything (except that boy's proximity to me) has fallen right into place.
can anyone tell me where i can get some free (or cheaper than Kinky-o's) copies? i've got an almost finished zine on my hands and very little money.