Shall resolve to start hacking away on my CCC!!!

Oct 10, 2006 14:40

Before I do that, here are some sentimental nostalgic nonsense I wanna say...

Just realised looking closely at ducky's childhood pics and his siblings' childhood pics, they all look like each other. I still cannot see how he looks like his mum, but my mum insisted he does. And I agree, his bro looks most like him, in fact his smile in one of the pics was exactly the same as a pic ducky took at a Japan tournament.

We wore the same haircut and style of clothing in our birthday pics as kids. Horrors of horrors, as toddlers, we also wore the same haircut and combination of clothing. Seems like parents love to copy each other from Brunei across to Sabah? But I could have had wore my hair long like the other kids around me, and a full dress instead of one with straps! Why the same style? Hehe you yuan fen!!!

Then there was a pic of him as toddler, taken at a certain angle. And the pic looked exactly like a pic he took last year. OMG ducky you haven't changed since! >_<

The last thing I wanna say is the most nonsensical of all. Once upon a time, a school called Maris Stellar stood near my alma mater. Rumours were rife of the students of these two schools, with MS being a boys' sch, and mine, a girls' sch. Guess wat is ducky's sec. school name? Stellar Maris.
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