Oct 02, 2007 18:32
Considering I generally dislike beige, leaving myself with a beige layout for five months or so was probably not the smartest idea, and so I got Will to commission me for a picture in return for finally being able to update the thing. As a result, I went about as far away from beige as you can get, as well as adding in a few features like code to lj-cut polls automagically. Obnxiously red octopus drawn in Painter 8, images sliced up in psp7, and only tested half-assedly so if there's any weirdness, let me know.
(Much love to E, too, who let me test this out on her lj before I had the paid time!)
The first week of uni's gone well - people are being really friendly and I've been keeping busy, which is always good. So far, the lectures aren't too daunting, either, though I can tell that cell biology is going to be a bit tricky. As in, I think I'm meant to know what they're talking about already and don't quite. Still, I'm sure I can bribe someone to teach me it if I get really stuck...
Say, did any of you guys ever do molecular biology? :)