fuck french. fuck fashion. fuck overpricing. fuck school. fuck having no job. fuck motivation. [...what the fuck is that?] fuck responsibility. fuck expectations. fuck the future. fuck the past. fuck anarchy. fuck conformity. fuck bush. fuck PMS. fuck cramps. fuck anxiety. fuck growing up. fuck, but don't get STD's. fuck abstinence. fuck sluts. fuck cheap porn. fuck manipulation. fuck getting upset over things you shouldn't. fuck people who tell you to shut up & stop crying. fuck overreacting. fuck math. fuck reality tv. fuck trends. fuck routine. fuck homework. fuck doubt. fuck organization. fuck technology. fuck popup ads. fuck myspace and fuck being hypocritical because i have one. fuck "epreuve amusants." fuck homophobes. fuck feeling like shit. fuck needing an escape. fuck you, i want to feel safe. fuck pens that run out of ink. fuck nuclear war. fuck people who eat loudly and won't shut up. fuck food. fuck change and fuck me if i can't deal with it. fuck ADD. fuck patronization. fuck narrowmindedness. fuck extreme conservatism. fuck sleep or lack thereof. fuck regret. fuck iPods; they break too much. fuck superstition. fuck sellouts. fuck decisions and having to make them. fuck worry. fuck negativity and worrying about sounding pessmistic. fuck optimism and putting on a front. fuck shitty metal. fuck Hollywood. fuck nonexistant tits. fuck AP global. fuck people who make wars over religion. "fuck everything"-- laura hausch. fuck it, i STILL love harry potter and dan radcliffe. fuck parents who live vicariously throught their kids. fuck time. fuck competition. fuck fake enthusiasm; it's obvious you don't want to see me. fuck photoshop. fuck jealousy. fuck authority. fuck minivans. fuck straight-edge, you're not a martyr. fuck drugs, you are not hardcore or a junkie and i feel bad for you if you think that. fuck finals, i want to see brand new. fuck jesse lacey if he wasn't illegally old. "fuck proportions. fuck trianges." -- cassie sawyer. fuck it.
okay, so morgen came down this weekend, and credit for all of these go to her. <4
...that was, actually, taken from the top of anthony's apartments on the roof.