Title: Popcorn Craze; Helpless Clouds; A Glimpse at Parenting
Pairing: Kangsung x 3
Rating: G; PG; G
Genre: Fluff; Angst; Fluff
Summary: Kangin throws a fit when Yesung can't make up his mind about popcorn; Yesung questions his purpose in life; Yesung can't get enough of a little adorable kid.
A/N: Dedicated to my lovely fallencreation and brainfagged.
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Comments 14
And I loved these. Even the angsty one.
The kid idea is too freaking cute and popcorn... that kinda made me hungry and wish we had popcorn shops. But sweet nonetheless!
RAWR. but Thanks for reading it. You're always SO FAST it's SO SCARY. Ohmygod SERIOUSLY. I'm like OMGWOAHWTF.
<333333 you
I love seeing cute kids. I saw one yesterday and the kid kept on smiling at me and I just wanted to pick him up but I was holding onto stuff and I didn't want to ask the lady.
Kids are awesome. 2woon should have a kid and Minnie and Wookie would spoil him and Kyu would teach him how to play video games, and Heechul will help him do makeup and Hankyung teaches him chinese and Siwon teaches him gestures and and Eunhyuk can teach him dancing and he'll learn cute skills from Donghae, and I'm rambling....
HAHA, Yesung taking his own sweet time in the shop. I really love their relationship. It's a love/hate relationship, but the hate is actually love. Doesn't make sense? LOL.
“That one right in front of your big ugly face.” Kangin shot back.
LOLOL. WHY IS THIS LINE SO FUNNY. HAHAHAH. Is it because I can actually see Kangin saying this to Yesung?
AND OMG, the second drabble.. Just no words at all. I loved the whole thing. I would quote the whole damn thing, that's how much I liked it. And the cloud reference was so freaking beautiful and sweet and GUH<3 And it's so true to the current situation. How did you write this so fast and so well, I wonder ( ... )
Kyahhhh I'm such a mess reading your awesome comment.
Personally speaking I really enjoyed writing these 3 the most, it seemed the most natural, easy to write and flowy. Everything just worked well.
Yeah, I'm wrapping up cuz I suck. I love you. You know that. Nothing else needs to be said <3
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I need to keep going at angst (and stop writing smut, smut is EVIL >.<) because I think the quality of my angst is slipping.
Nonetheless me glad you likey <3
Kangye is just so love.. it's beautiful..
KKKYYYYAAAAHHH~!!!! Yesung and children!!!! love love love~! so much. He looks so adorable with them ^_^
Thanks for commmentinggg~ :DDDD
How can this be possible, how can anyone actually write something as cute as that last one was, and something as dark as the second one and something as awesome as the first one. No no no no noooooooooo, this is heaven XDDD I think Im getting it now, since I just thought that you write the BEST sungie and the BEST kangin I've ever read. They're EXACTLY the way I imagine them, the way I like them. I like them cussing at eachother and being all tough guy, and kangin having a bad temper and yesung being just a little bit too annoying for kangin to stay sane XDD I absolutely fell in love with the last fic. I can still feel my heart going crazy XD Yes I'm soooo happy I found your fanfiction >D
Stop praising me, my writing isn't that good. Kekeke.
I'm glad you enjoy my characterization of my cloudclouds<3 Exactly the way I imagine them too. Kangin being all mean on the outside but Sungie always has a soft spot in his heart.
2wooon should make a baby <3
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