Another Revelation

Jul 25, 2010 00:28

Trust me, I go through so many of these, I find it hilarious (each time I think it'll be the last time, but it just keeps coming back, y'know)

Kpop has changed my life. The way I act (a LOT more feminine), the way I look (an improvement, definately) , the way I talk (my voice goes unnaturally high sometimes because I'm a lot more feminine now), the way I present myself (I act like a girl, period), Kpop has changed it.

I don't know if it's a good thing or not, I just know it's kind of really really weird. The little subconscious actions that I do in public places, OH BOY. I seriously freaking, IDEK, act more like a girl than those teenage 14yo girls on a subway giggling about cute boys and talking about their crushes.


And now my phone has like, a chain of dangling Sungmin tags in addition to two rather large Sungmin keycharms. Coworkers have already remarked at my, rather, "odd" choice of decoration. My reaction? I FLUSTER LIKE SOME LITTLE GIRL AND HIDE MY FACE behind my hands (and then the female coworkers make remarks about my hands and notice the hand lotion I use...)

Fuck. Why am I not a girl.


I'm bipolar. Bet you didn't know that ;DDDDD

No really. I'm bipolar. If you follow me on twitter (HeartKangmin, I changed it because Kangmin means the world to me), YOU WOULD WITNESS, FIRST HAND, the bipolar~ness of me. I'm not schizo, I'm just really really REALLY moody, spontaneously moody, to the point where it scares myself.

On a happier note, I'm going to start writing again. Already have 2 stories roughly drafted, and a third is formulating inside my head as we speak. So, if any readers still care, hopefully I can dish out an occasional fic that I'm proud of.

AND I WANT TO GO SHOE SHOPPING. That picture Donghae tweeted (with HyukHaeMin), I WANT THEIR SHOES. ESPECIALLY SUNGMIN'S ANKLE BOOTS (I call them that =/ ). THEY"RE SO PRETTY and I wish I bought more shoes when I was in HK. One pair of Lacoste ankle boots AREN'T ENOUGH. ESPECIALLY WHEN LACOSTE IS SO CHEAP IN HK. FUCK I WANT SHOES.

SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES. I think I just might have found another drabble prompt? SHOE SHOPPPPPPPING.

See. I went from PMS to Sad to Happy. See the bipolar? =/

sungmin is everything in my life, im moody, shopping is my life, m: kangin, i need a life, donghae is my life, fml, i hate my life, i love life, kangin means the world to me, i love myself sometimes

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