May 10, 2004 16:02
I was supposed to start work yesterday, but i can't start until saturday because they aren't ready for me, not that we didn't start this hiring process at Christmas. I am in a really bitchy mood. Fortunately it's only me, Roscoe and the cats so it's not a problem. Christine came and hung out earlier and it was fun but we are both broker than brokeso we didn't really do much except eat lunch. Kind of pissed that some of my other highschool friends went out to breakfast yesterday and didn't call me. In all fairness they didn't know I was home but still it kind of hurt my feelings to not be including in their little yay we are back breakfast. I have watched MTV so long today that I have seen the same videos run 3 times. The guy at the wendy's drive thru said i had pretty hair. I'm tired of having pretty hair. If my best feature is my pretty hair then what would happen if i got a bad hair cut or if it all fell out. Then where would i be...Maybe then I would another Frickin compliment! I'm just a little sour, I read a book yesterday (that sounds kind of funny) anyways my guilty pleasure is fiction about Single british women and their problems with being fat and men and their mothers and such (a la Bridget Jones style). Well this one was called Jemina J. and it was this really heavy girl who lost all this weight and was beautiful and got the man who was her friend when she was heavy but realized he loved her when she was thin. It really just depressed me. I don't know. I'm grumpy, I should take a nap and type later when I can be pleasant.