Nov 16, 2004 20:03
[Name] brittany kay salm
[Nickname] everyone calls me britty, but i've been called other ones =)
[Screen name] brittyk09
[Birthday] feb 9
[Age] 15..and a half!
[Astrological Sign] Aquarius
[Chinese Zodiac Sign] i think the snake...i read the papers on that at the peking house! hhaha
[Location] in the basement, on my comfy britty chair
[Sexual Preference] i like boys thank you
[Marital Status] single
[Religion] Christian
[Eye Color] blue, gray, greenish blue, bluish green, blushin gray, you name it =)
[Height] 5'1...i'm growing i promise
[Shoe Size] 7 1/2
[Parents still together] definately
[Siblings] heather a.k.a my twin! hehe
[Nieces/Nephews] no ma'am/sir
[Pets] my precious baby! Murray the guinea pig, awww i love him =) wait, let's take a moment of silence for my dog that had to be put to sleep a few months ago =( =(
[School] mahomet seymour/prison
[What do you drive] you mean what i WILL be driving....a red pace car monte carlo with silver checkers on the side and red and black leather interior =) whhaa BAM baby!
[Color] it changes every day...Color of the day for britty: Red!
[Number] 09
[Animal] horses, penguins, giraffe's, and guinea pigs!
[Car] any thing nice and new and all fancy-schmansey
[Flower] gerber daisies and lilies
[Scent] Romance by Ralph Lauren, and i love the smell of rain too =)
[Soda] diet coke!
[Band] dont have a favorite band
[Song] i gots lots o' favy songs
Do you...
[Color your hair?] only when i'm feeling spontaneous
[Twirl your hair?] it's a habit!
[Have tattoos?] i like the fake ones haha
[Have Piercings?] 6 in my ears
[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?] nooooooope, i do have tons of girlfriends though ;)
[Cheat on tests/homework?] haah on homework yes
[Like Roller Coasters?] i like to be adventurous
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] yes, but take all my friends and pets and family with me!
[Want more piercings?] yesh, more on my ears
[Like cleaning?] who does?
[Write in cursive or print?] print, i'm terrible at cursive
[Swear a lot?] nope i don't
[Own a web cam?] would you like me to?
[Own a web mic?] (see above)
[Know how to drive?] muahaa stay off the sidewalks at night!
[Diet?] nah
[Own a cell phone?] sadly not yet
[Ever get off the damn computer?] hey, i don't swear!
Have You Ever...
[Gotten a speeding ticket?] haah not yet
[Been in a wreck?] nope, people know when i'm driving so they stay off the sidewalks
[Been arested?] oh no
[Been in a fist fight?] no...but i've been in a sword fight =)
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] hahah not on purpose
[Stolen Anything?] hmm nope
[Held a Gun?] do fake plastic ones count?
[Drank?] never have never will
[Smoked?] (note above)
[Been so drunk you couldnt remember your name?] (see 2 above)
[Ever considered being a hooker?] hahaha well i was kinda one for halloween muahaha =)
[Cheated on someone?] i would have to never eat pringles again for the rest of my life if i did that
[Cried over a boy?] yesh i have
[Lied to someone?] unfortunately, but not all the time
[Been in love?] not yet
[Fallen for your best friend?] not yet hah
[Made out with JUST a friend?] don't think so
[Been rejected?] uhh i dunno
[Been in lust?] probably
[Used someone?] if i have i wasn't aware of it
[Been used?] yeah i think so
[Been cheated on?] yes, when i dated kyle schutte
[Been kissed?] uh huh!
[Mood] low self esteem
[Taste] medicene i just took, icky!
[Current Hair] wet
[Thing I Ought to be Doing] haha a lot of things
[CD in Stereo] in my bathroom stereo..a mix, in my bedroom stereo...either keith urban or the lord of the rings soundtrack
[Crush] eh dunno
The last time...
[Last book you read] The Lost Child
[Last movie you saw] Shrek 2! ahh greatest movie let me tell ya
[Last thing you ate] chicken
[Last person you talked to on the phone] aww, my sister =)
Do you....
[Have a dream that keeps coming back?] nope, i have really bizarre dreams
[Play an instrument?] all percussion instruments, piano, drum set, learning guitar
[Believe there is life on other planets?] anything is possible!
[Read the newspaper?] haha yeah, sometimes
[Believe in miracles?] definately! they happen every day even if we aren't aware of them
[Consider yourself tolerant of others?] oh yesh =)
[Consider love a mistake?] i love love =)
[Have a favorite candy?] kit kats! crunch bars! hershey bars!
[Belive in Astrology] no
[Believe in magic?] not really, only God's magic
[Believe in God?] He's my Lord and Savior
[Do well in school?] yes i do
[Plan to go to college?] i want to go to beauty school
[Wear hats?] sometimes
[Hate yourself?] not myself as a whole but just the outside appearance
[Have an obsession?] FENCING! and shoes :)
[Have a secret crush?] ??
[Collect Anything?] hahaha i have tons of brochures of various places i've traveled to around the US...which is a lot! and i seem to be collecting a lot of water bottles, they keep poping up every where in my room
[Have a best friend?] so many! but i have one that holds a special residence in a little corner of my heart =) JULIE MARIA MIEBACH!
[Close friends?] tons! i love them all so dearly
[Like your handwriting?] it can be cool sometimes! all bubbly and yeah, cool 8)
[Care about your looks?] yes
Love life...
[First Crush] awww! preschool it was a guy named cody and we would hold hands on the swings and have snack time together and he invited me to his b-day party and i was the only girl there, so i felt like a total loser cuz it was all about cowboys and i had to wear a plastic cowboy hat and we played pin the tail on the donkey...hahaha aww, touching story i know, its amazing what things we can remember =)
[First Kiss] on the cheek? haha i think it was josh fitzimmons
[Single or Attached?] single, was this question asked earlier? deja-vu!
[Ever been in love?] in love GUINEA PIG! haha and can't forget those total babes miss paige and miss heather jackson =)
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] anything is possible!
[Do you believe in "the one"?] i always wonder where he is
Are you a...
[Wuss] not at all
[Daydreamer] when i'm sheepy =)
[Freak] haha i guess you could say that
[Dork] (note above)
[Bitch/Asshole] hey, don't swear!
[Brat] uhh, i don't think i'm a form of hot dog! jeez
[Sarcastic] haha its fun to be sarcastic =) like the last question i just answered hahaha
[Angel] i dunno?
[Devil] FOOZEBALL IS THE DEVIL! "you always say everything's the devil mamma!" hahahhaha waterboy =)
[Shy] sometimes i can be!
[Talkative] oh yes i can be
[Flirty] i would definately say i'm flirty, it's fun =)
hope you enjoyed that, i sure did haha. but pa pa pa paweeesseee still comment in my last entry if you haven't yet, it would be much appreciated :) toodles!