so close to summer, yet so far away....

Jun 08, 2004 14:52

today was the first day of the end, thank goodness! first period today i had my history final... pretty easy... there were a few multiple choice questions that i didnt know, but thats ok because i aced the short answer :) then in english, i think i wrote my paper and my reflection well, and if i dont get an A on that portfolio i will be MAAAD because i spent so much freaking time on it. then the gym final was the biggest joke ever.... "what are the names of our PE leaders?" yes, that was one of the questions... what is this!?!? i dont know their names!! oh well, i could really care less about gym anyway, although i cant say that an A looks bad on a report card ;)

here's my finals schedule for tomorrow and thursday:


1: Science - Sludge Evaluation

2: FREE!

3: alg


4: Espanollll

5: FREE!

6: geoo

anyway... i was studying outside before.... so nice! i'm so happy that this wonderful, beautiful weather has FINALLY come! :D

SUPY 2004 IN 18 DAYS!!

we're getting into the teens.... i CAN NOT WAIT!! now that i have some more time because i have no more project to turn in (although i do have to get back to studying!!) im gonna put up some picturesss....

me & heather barnstorming!!

Amanda & Amber... I LOVE MY BASKIN ROBBINS 27 FLAVORSSS! "whats yo flava? tell me now, whats yo flava?" good times...

Nat, Amber, Jules, Jord on halloween!


its from the supy 03 shirts but still, its so true... i actually do!! :D i heart you supy 04!

TEAM WEEK BREAKOUT 2003!! (they woke all of us up @ 1:30AM and we walked down supy hill and saw this floating on the lake.... horns were honking, girls were crying and screaming, and it was just awesome!!)

Amanda and Erica, Bwood TA's 03!!

good luck to everyone on finals!! only 2 more days of torture until we are out for the summer!! YESS!! B)


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