i love YALE and 20th college reunions

May 30, 2004 08:22

yesterday was SO MUCH FUN! first, we left the house at around 10am-ish, and we drove an hour up to yale... oh how i LOVE yale... and we went into Silliman to register for the reunion. they gave me, sarah, and scott each a little baggie with a Yale '84 frisbee, Yale '84 playing cards, a little Yale '84 bulldog (a stuffed animal of course!) and a Yale '84 cool nametag :D then we went up to the Sillaman commons room where some of my mom's friends from college were playing a string quartet! it was awesome. also there was my mom's room mate for 3 years (and one of her best friends in college), Kiko. She was SO nice. Then we met up with David (one of my mom's other really good friends in college) and he and my mom practiced for the mini recital that they would be giving later that day, and then my mom practiced her ballade, and then my dad practiced with my mom. So then my 12:30, we went downstairs into the courtyard where they had HUGEE tents set up and we had lunch :) it was yummy. then we headed over to the concert and my mom, david, and my dad were sooo good! my dad's college professor was there!! it was awesome. then we went into the library, and i swear, they could've filmed harry potter in there lol. then we headed down high street for some 99% fat free "fro-yo", and then we met my grandparents in claire's. ok, so the fro yo was kosher, it said it was, and then we go into the restaurant, claire's, and they're kosher too, but they kicked me, my brother and my sister out because we were eating ice cream, and even though it said on the bowl that it was kosher, they just "couldn't be sure".... annoying... so then me, and my mom and everyone headed downt to the Yale Co-op to deck ourselves out with  Yale gear. i got a really cute sweatshirt, a pair of shorts, and a t shirt, and sarah got a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and something else that i can't remember lol. and my mom and scotty got some stuff too... my dad didnt want anything... not quite sure why...

so then it was about 6:00, and we headed back to Sillaman, because hors d' erves (is that how you spell it? i know its something funky like that...) would be starting in a half hour. so we went back, and we saw a whole bunch of people that my mom met up with, and we were chatting it up and stuff. then we had dinner. yummmmmmmy. then dessert = a chocolate, fudgy, flourless cake. ohmigosh it was AMAZINGGGGG. then we got up and sang the Yale song "For God, For Country, and For Yale." and we waved napkins in the air lol. then we started dancing!! i requested Flashdance "What A Feeling" but the DJ didnt put it on :( but he put on Love Shack, and Funky Town, and it made me realize how much of an 80s girl i really am! so i was up there dancing with all of my mom's friends (yes, my moms friends dancing" while my sister and my dad were being party poopers.) and they were all soooooooo nice!! if they were my age, or i was their age i would TOTALLY be friends with my mom's friends from college!

Then at about 11:00, we had to go home :( because today my dad woke me up 15 min ago because we have to go into ridgewood today to go house hunting :( but i dont think im going with mis padres because im going to hannah's house! yay!!! i havent seen her in a YEAR!!! :D then for lunch we're going to the Meinhard's house and me and kendra are gonna chillllllll

After last night, i totally look at my mom in a different light now. Sure we all thing our parents are old, and not "cool", but my mom really used to be "cool", i just have to keep up her coolness! so thats the official job im taking on when we get home, my mom's "cool coordinator" :P you know you love it ;)

well thats about it for now,

i really wanna go to Yale/college SO SO SO SO SO badly now, but i still have 3/4 of high school left to go so BAH! grrrrr... but at least i kinda got to spend the day there and it was AWESOME!!! :D

laters alligators

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