Sep 02, 2007 11:56
school started last week, and i had to workl like every day after school, its so depressing. never work unless you absolutely HAVE to, and even then, try to get money out of your parents first. this is sucking all the fun out of life. anywho, my schedules like ooook. brit lit i dont like, but most of my friends are in it. and of course i stongly strongly dislike theology, which isnt new. but to make it worse, a certain flaming gay is in my class, which wouldnt bother me, but hes so stupid, and is always making comments. gir, annoys me. then i really like government, even lyle doesnt bother me that much, its just a good class. then office aide, boo, boring, but its good cuz i can do homework. then media, which i have with a VERY cute junior, and the french foreign exchaneg student, so its somehwat interesting. then ceramics, which i first thought i would love, then i hates it (assigned seats) but mr davis doesnt care so long as your working, so once again i looove that class. and once again, the certain very cute junior is in my class. then german, which would suck, but for the german foreign exchange student, who is actually fascinating. im sry when he blushed, it was just adorable. then physics. i totally forgot what mr topel was like, i think this will be a long year. but sadly, i keep lookin at that very cute junior, i am so pathetic. also, the flaming gay is in this class. im soooo happy we get to pick our own lab groups this time. and we get to go on the physics trip! yay, so all in all school would be going well if it werent for one thing. im sure you can guess what it is. seriously, my personal bubble is constantly being invaded. o also, studmuffin is gone, never to return. i fear weve chased him away. o and i like the lunch table much better now. well i must get ready to go to work again, i bunch of us are going to the movies after work, but i havent gotten permission yet, i hope i do.