Oct 05, 2003 17:00
jj look i got bored to i lisened to it till i wrote down the whole thing hereit is::::
cheerleader: cool parents
so-and-so: student council
whats-her-face: shop lifter
the-ugly-one: prepaid lunch
(cl*cheerleader,uo*ugly one,ss*so and so, wf*whatsherface)
cl- im totally bummed taht school is happening again this year.
others-"SO GOOD"
cl- ya'll are wack
uo-wiggidy wack??
cl-nope. jsut regular type
ss-not me
ss- i sat next to brett bretterson in math and he asked to study with me at lunch.
cl-you made brett bretterson up in first grade. he's not real
ss-oh brett there u are
ss- thank you, you filled out nicely too !!
SS-okay lets go(walks away w/brett)
ss-(falld in to fighting grawlbacks bottemless spirit pit) aaaaahhh go grawlbacks
wf- when u fall in a bottem less pit you die of starvation
cl-okay gals, quarterback is over there
cl-im gonna go see if he has any plans for dating me
cl-is my unda-wears showing????
uo- yes ma'am
cl-grood i mean good and great, great and good
uo-wf-hehe were kool
n- no....your not
cl-so, quarterman hows about you and me
q- hows about you get some brains
n- cerebellum'd !!!!!!
ss-(still in pit) little help down here
ss-maybe some lunchables
or a jucie box
i love you too, brett
and that is that
for more teen girl squad go to www.homestarrunner.com