(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 19:39

20 people you can think right off your head dont read the questions underneath 'til you think of those 20 people!
1. Haley
2. Wes
4. Katie
5. Pauli
6. Molly
7. Sarah
8. Lauren
9. Laura Ann
10. Melissa
11. Steven
12. Justin
13. Joel
14. Megan
15. Becca
16. Thomas
17. Jeff
18. Blake
19. Ashley
20. Laura

1. how did you meet 13? at church when we were like 5
2. What would you do if you had never met 5? i would be very sad cause he makes me laugh
3. what do you honestly think of 10?she is the cutest sweetest person ever
4. Would or did 19 and 8 date? haha i dont think so cause they are both girls
5. Did you ever like 4? as a friend duh
6. Can 17 sing? in his dreams
7. Would 2 and 11 make a good couple?nope sry no luck there
8. Describe 7 in three words. crazy, blonde, funny
9. Do you think 12 is attractive? umm.. i plead the 5th haha
10. Would 1 and 17 make a lovely couple? oo now that would be funny
11. Tell me something humilating about 16? he had bottle caps put in his locker last year
12. Do you know any of 3's family members? oui, her dad and mom and sis
13. What's 20's favorite color? blue
14. On a scale of 1-10, how cute is 14?gorgeous
15. What would you do if 15 just confessed his/her love to you? laugh out loud
16. What language does 19 speak? english
17. Who is 8 going out with? no one yet but she is talking
18. Do you think number 19 has a good haircut? yup
19. Would 18 and 10 make a good couple? maybe
20. What grade is 15 in? 10th
21. When's the last time you talked to 12? wednesday
22. What is 2's favorite band? pshh he is very indecisive
23. does 9 have any siblings? yes a sister
24. Would u date 6?sorry molly but no
25. Would you ever date 1? again sry haley but no
26. Would u make out with 12? hahaha
27. What is 19s last name? kelly
28. Is 15 a good driver? pretty good
29. Would you ever want to be in a serious relationship with 3? sorry no
30. What school does 16 go to? Hoover
31. What school does 2 go to? Hoover
32. Where does 17 live? in russet woods
33. Would you make out with 11? wow
34. Are 5 and 6 best friends? yup
35. is 12 older than you? yeah by four months to the day
36. Is 9 the sexiest person alive? o so sexy
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