(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 20:39

K yall i dont expect you to do all of it (but if you have time do all of it haha) just do as much as you can and i will love you forever umm that is all love in christ mary katherine

1. What is my full name? (first, middle, and last)
2. Where was I born?
3. When is my birthday?
4. How old am I? (exact age, for example: 13 and 2 months)
5. How many pets do I have and what are they?
6. How many siblings do I have and who are they?
7. What is my eye color?
8. What is my hair color?
9. How tall am I?
10. Take a guess at my weight?

My Favortites
1. Color:
2. TV show:
3. Movie:
4. Song:
5. Band/Singer:
6. Food
7. Day of the week:
8. Season:
9. Website:
10. Game:
11. Thing to do when I have nothing else to do:
12. Holiday:
13. Hobby:
14. Sport:
15. Person:

Other Questions
1. How long have we known eachother?
2. How long have we been friends?
3. What was your first impression of me?
4. When you saw me, did you think I was popular or dorky?
5. What is the funniest thing I ever said to you?
6. What is the stupiedest thing I ever said to you?
7. When was a time I really annoyed you?
8. When was a time you had fun with me?
9. When was a time I was really down in dumps?
10. When was a time I was on cloud nine?
11. What is my best quality?
12. What is my best feature?
13. Have you ever been jealous of me, if so when?
14. Are you currently jealous of me in any way, is so why?
15. Have you ever wanted to be in my shoes for any moment, if so when?
16. What is something you think I take for granted?
17. What is something you know is important to me?
18. Do you think I have ever been inlove, if so with who?
19. Who is someone I ?
20. Who do you think is my best friend?
21. Who do you think I will marry?
22. Who will be my maid of honor at my wedding?
23. How old do you think I will be when I get married?
24. Am I... (put a * next to ones that sort of am, ** next to ones I am, and *** next to ones I really am.)
-a good friend
25. Can you come to me for advise?
26. What is the best advise I ever gave you?
27. What is the best advise you could give me?
28. Have I always been there for you?
29. Do you think I always will be there for you?
30. If you were describing me to someone else, what would you tell them?
31. What song reminds you of me?
32. What do you think my #1 wish is?
33. Do you regret doing or saying anything to me in the past, if so what?
34. Have a secret confession to make to me?
35. Do you love me? (in a friend way)
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