Dec 25, 2008 04:12
Para Rosa, mi madre
a) Were you that lonely that you thought you needed someone to marry even though he’d treat you like you were worthless?
b) did you marry him?
c) Why did you have sex with him even though you were so mad at him?
d) Why didn’t you have an abortion?
e) Why did you stay with him even though his parents said that he didn’t deserve you?
f) What is the real reason you moved out of Bakersfield?
g) What are you hiding from me?
h) Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
j) Do I remind you of him? Of everything that went wrong?
k) If you could do it all over again, why wouldn’t you have a child with him?
Para Manuel, mi padre
a) Did you love her?
b) Is it true you only wanted a son so he could have your last name?
c) Do you know who I am?
d) Would you care enough to come find me?
e) Would you love me? Be proud of me?
f) Would you beat me?
g) Would you tell me I’m worthless because I’m a girl?
h) Would you let me go to college?
i) Why did you cheat on her?
j) Why did you call her fat? Put her down? Take her money?
k) Do your parents know you have a daughter?
l) Where were you when she had a miscarriage?
Para Elena, Margarita, y Maria, mis tias
a) Why can’t you make something of your own lives?
b) Why don’t you understand that I’m not your puppet?
c) Why didn’t you tell her sooner that he was cheating on her?
d) Why do you think you’re all better than everyone else?
e) Why can’t you accept me for who I am, instead of who you want me to be?
f) Why didn’t you tell me about him?
Para Rudy, mi tio
a) Why can’t you make them stop?
b) What do you know about him that you aren’t telling me?
c) Do you love me as your own child, as you say?
d) Do you think I’m a failure, just like they do?
e) What do you think of me?
f) Why do you keep giving me money - to appease me?
Para mis abuelos
a) Why’d you pressure her to get married?
b) Do I remind you of him?
c) Are you proud of me?
d) Are you disappointed I don’t speak Chinese?