Thankful Thursday: Feeling pretty good

Sep 20, 2012 08:59

I am thankful for the opportunity to take multiple classes - both in school and for my own enrichment.
I am thankful for the reminders that I needn't be perfect.
I am thankful for feeling as though there is enough time for everything. (At least, in this exact moment.)
I am thankful for taking tentative steps in the directions I feel called toward.
I am thankful for interesting before-bed reading. (It includes a vampire - who doesn't sparkle - and is way more than just the romance that's budding. Interesting stuff. And
groovesinorbit? Christine is on my list. I just don't know if it's appropriate before-bed reading, the only fiction I'm really getting done right now. Thoughts?)
I am thankful for letting go of the 2x4 on the Safe As Houses/Molly story. It's allowed more to come through and be written in the past week than 2x4 head busting had previously accomplished.
I am thankful for being so enthusiastic and excited about what I'm currently doing. It feels like such a change, and it's a good one.
I am thankful for learning my own boundaries and for trying to maintain and honour them.
I am thankful for amazing people who have come into my life, who remain in my life, and those to come.
I am thankful for time in the morning to be thankful. It really helps set the tone of the day. :)

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people, writing, life, writing practice, learning, goals, thankful, good things, molly, school,, counseling.program

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