Note to self: Strawberry picking = amazing. Also? If it's super warm, they ripen super quickly. Good thing we were planning on freezing 95% of them anyway. (For smoothies. Which are also amazing.) Also? Homemade strawberry milkshakes are awesome.
And Sarah and I have not done so well the past few days on the very-little-sugar thing. Trying to be gentle. And taking it in stride. I feel less sick, which is helpful. Keeping perspective.
Doing Level I
again has been quite good so far. It's giving me a chance to (re)visit the basics, (re)visit beginner's mind, and to really own my practice. I think these are all helpful. (There's an additional post percolating there, but not now.)
Also? I was considering leaving school, for long, drawn out and (in retrospect) not necessarily interesting reasons. I have decided to stay in the pastoral counseling program, and am telling myself it's up to me what I get out of it. In that vein, I have applied for a graduate assistantship, I will be beginning research with a professor later this summer, and I am still exploring ways to own this decision, too. And, I know that I am in this to the end, as I have wrestled with the decision and know that I am making it purposefully and with intention. The rest is up to me.
My reading is going slowly. There's been knitting, there's been sitting, there's been some writing, there's been NCIS watching. But not a lot of reading.
Also? I'm already in need of new running shoes. I've put well over 300 miles on my shoes, and they say to replace anywhere between 300-500 miles; I also use the shoes for every day use, too. Plus? Now when I'm running, my foot's starting bothering me again. This will probably happen in a few weekends. I'm kind of excited, but also terrified, as I feel like I just got new shoes. Oh well. Better to be injury free.
So glad it's a long weekend. What are you up to?
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