Run away! Run away!

Feb 24, 2012 07:47

No, I'm not running away, per se. I am grateful for the chance to stay in DC for Drala this weekend. I have my suitcase (with running gear inside) next to me at work and I'll be jumping on the train down to DC and staying through Sunday evening. Then, I'll jump on the train back home.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited for a weekend retreat like this. A chance to really sink in, not worry about traffic or the commute to and from, with no internet (I think I'd have to pay extra for it, and I simply don't want to - plus, the time offline will be good). I'm not taking homework. I'm taking one dharma book, my journal*, and my writing prompt book. I will have music and time and quiet. Sarah's being her amazing self and doing chores this weekend, and being a single piggie momma, to allow me this opportunity. (I will probably be back around 8:30 or 9pm on Sunday.)

This treasure of a weekend came up when I realized that, in order to do this weekend, it would probably be at least a 2 hour commute... each way. And while I recognize there are people who do that, daily, I also thought ending around 9:00 PM tonight, starting at 9:00 AM again tomorrow, and then home around 8 or 9 PM tomorrow night (with another starting of 9:00 AM on Sunday), it would wipe me out in ways that were unnecessary. So, I am insanely grateful for the chance.

I'm also excited for the chance at Drala again. That last time, it didn't feel right, that I was full. And I've been going what (sometimes) feels like full throttle (and I have been told by multiple people how insane my schedule seems to them). I also feel ready to start my training again. I don't know what that means, or if it has to mean anything at all.

I think I will allow myself to just be present. Isn't that the practice?

* I have really been digging my large flexi-cover (ruled) journal. I've been using since the beginning of the year, and it's really great. They're similar to Moleskine journals, but a bit less expensive, and made from recycled materials. Super rad. :)

And let's see if this works... here are the specs for my current journal.

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good things, shambhala training, links, meditation, retreat, journal, travel

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