Wishcasting Wednesday: What do you wish people knew about you?

Feb 01, 2012 16:22

Today's wish can be found here at Jamie Ridler Studios

I wish people knew I don't always have it together - that I'm human and imperfect and broken.

I wish people knew that I miss giggling and hugging and singing at the top of my lungs.

I wish people knew that I deeply love the feel of running, of moving, and that I don't do nearly enough of it.

I wish people knew that my words are pathways that go one way, then another, and I use them to make sense of this moment, this time, this breath. Tomorrow, they might be different.

I wish people knew how deeply scared I am, sometimes. And that I'm trying to face that with fearlessness. And that it doesn't always work.

I wish people knew how deeply I love them, even when I seem my most miserly.

Some days, I wish I knew all of this about myself.

This entry was originally posted at http://dancingwaves.dreamwidth.org/862149.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

wishcasting, laughter, people, self-care, life, goals, good things, running

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