And I'm on the other side of it. Caffeine sugar high last night, which led me to sugar crash when I got home, and I slept relatively well. Today has gone surprisingly quickly. (It helps that we got a request for a textbook that is needed for the start of winter term on January 3. I am on vacation from December 22-January 3, so I need to get it done. I'm glad it's a straightforwward text that I'm already almost done with.)
Tonight is picking up new glasses (YAY!), then yoga. Tomorrow is down to my parents. Sunday is being home and writing with
groovesinorbit (if that still works?). Then, next week are full days, Monday to Wednesday, a half day on Thursday, then sweet sweet vacation.
Vacation will include marathon watchings of Harry Potter and Pirates, reading, some hotline time, and then traveling after Christmas. Oh, sopapillas, I cannot wait to drench you in honey.
What do you all have planned for the rest of the semester year, I meant year?
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