So, I have found, through wonderful sites like
750 Words and
NaNoWriMo that I like to have goals and I like to have daily accountability. And, I like nifty websites and things that people think are important enough to share with others.
In that light, I found
Reverb 10, which is short for reverberations. Apparently, it was something a group of bloggers did last year and there were such good responses to it that they've decided to make it an annual thing. So, I've been bouncing around the Reverb 10 site today, looking at the original ideas of why it's continuing. And I think it's a trio of very thoughtful women trying to send good energy out into the world, and that sharing stories is one of the most important things that we can do. And so, following on the heels of NaNoWriMo, I will be participating in Reverb 10. I think it will also be a good reminder for me to regularly write (and blog!) during the month of December, just like NaNo usually serves at least as a reminder that I like writing.
This year's NaNo is not complete, but I have reached the 50,000 word requirement and I hope to get at least some of the gaping holes filled in before the end of the month. But, I do believe that this is a workable novel and I'm actually excited to continue working with it. I have learned a lot about myself as a writer, as a worker, and about my own processes, particular with writing.
There are so many things that I enjoy doing, and that I want to spend time doing, and I think this month has been a good reminder of what I need to incorporate and how to (begin starting to try to) balance everything. That there are so many things I love and want to do, and that there are things that are sacrificed because of it, but that doesn't mean that I stop doing those other things all together.
Sarah's been a wonderful support, reminding me to ask for help when I need it (as I am traditionally in charge of putting our lunches together, etc.), and that she supports the things I care about. She asks me, on the days that are busy and that she hasn't seen me sit at the computer, if I've done my 750 Words for the day, because she doesn't want me to lose my streak (71 days so far!). I am insanely grateful for her, on so many levels.
And I am insanely grateful for those who touch my life - my family, friends, and teachers who help and encourage me to push myself, the people who put together sites that help me explore and expand my own creativity, and people who don't even know me who put themselves on the line and challenge me to do the same. This is a great big wonderful world and there are so many good things - sometimes, it's hard to see, but I am grateful. Great big heart, full.
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