poop nugget

Feb 18, 2009 18:34

i've been going to counseling regularly the past few years at moho and REALLY needed to go today. i need to do more journeling, i guess. so here we are.

life has been stressful lately.

good things:
- turned in a kickass TFA application last Fri
- enjoying classes
- making a little bit of money
- saving a tinier bit of money
- going to honduras for spring break
- going to apply for peace corps soon
- drag ball this weekend.
- book signing w/ junot diaz this sunday

doodoobutter things:
- defining deconstructuralismo
- friends dating rude moochy 30 year-olds who apparently majored in machista ass-slapping
- didn't get fulbright, but that's not really doodooy because i know my application was off the chizzain. i'm def applying next year.
- johnny and i got into a scuffle this weekend because we each misinterpreted what the other was saying/intending. i got mad and he tried to "fix" the problem before i was ready to talk about it, which made me more mad.
**that reminds me, i should write a handbook titled something like, "Protocall for Dealing with Jaq" and distribute it to few people i let inside my brains. one chapter should be "How to Handle Jaq when She's Mad as Hell." it would highlight the importance of giving me space, letting me work through the emotion until i'm ready to talk about it. allow me to underscore the importance of NOT pushing me to talk.  something you CAN do when i'm mad: gently place peace offerings (including, though not limited to: chocolate, tea, flowers, $1 million, shmeagol, puppy, news of federal student loan forgiveness) next to me and walk away.**
- everyone keeps axing what i'm doing after graduation.
**that reminds me, i need to print out flyers and post them wherever someone might be who might ask about such things. these posters will simply say, "NO CLUE! STOP ASKING OMFG"**
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